I’m developing an Android chat app in Go. Point of the app is to be pure P2P, no supporting service to bootstrap the network by making each peer spawn a hidden service. (now, before you attack me that it’s going to create too much traffic in the Tor network, sending of one message would take only one HTTP request, because I’d apply additional cryptography to verify identity of the sender)

So far I spent hours on two libraries: GitHub - ooni/go-libtor: Self-contained Tor from Go and GitHub - cretz/bine: Go library for accessing and embedding Tor clients and servers, however, both are not maintained and mostly broken. I tried forking them and fixing the issues, but that turned into a game of “whack a mole”, as soon as I fixed one issue another would appear.

If you put into my hands Tor expert bundle for Desktop I can make any app I want. So I though great, let me check out what Tor expert bundle for Android offers. I was presented with a “.so” library for which I failed to find the documentation online. (would appreciate if you can point me)