I would like to install a bridge on a Windows PC, but I’ve stuck because the instructions given on your site ( Tor Project | Windows ) can’t be applied.
They ask to copy a obfs4proxy.exe file but it seems to not be used anymore and therefore not included anymore.
I’ve seen on another thread that obfs4proxy.exe has been replaced by lyrebird.exe so I’ve used lyrebird.exe instead but it doesn’t seems to work.
Eventually, could someone update the setup instructions ?
And could someone confirm to me that the solution is to uselyrebird.exe and adjust the torr config file accordindly and that should work ?

Hello! We have a ticket for this: [Bridge guide] Windows Expert Bundle changed obfs4proxy binary name to lyrebird.exe (#357) · Issues · The Tor Project / Web / community · GitLab

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You were on the right track, actually. Could you share what went wrong? Did you follow the exact same steps from the documentation but replacing obfs4proxy.exewith lyrebird.exe?

From the documentation point of view, it’s just a matter or renaming it, no changes need to be made, AFAIK.

Thanks for your reply.
What made me say that it’s not working is that the url line given in the notice file to check the status of my bridge relay indicates, when used, ‘no resources for the given id’.
And if I wait long enough for the checking of the 2 ORports (ipv4 and ipv6) to complete, it says that the ipv6 is ok but the ipv4 cannot be reach therefore the relay cannot be published.
It seems I’ve got another issue, like a firewall or a port one, but anyway the setup in itself seems ok if you just copy lyrebird.exe in place of obfs4proxy.exe.

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